5 TED Talks for Paralegals

5 TED Talks That Can Help Paralegal Careers

  • “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy
  • “The Secret Structure of Great Talks” by Nancy Duarte
  • “Let’s Simplify Legal Jargon” by Alan Seigal
  • “Hear ‘Yes!’ More Often With the Science of Influence” by Dan Norris
  • “3 Ways the Brain Creates Meaning” by Tom Wuject

There aren’t many TED talks aimed specifically at paralegals, but there are a few that can help them anyway. From lectures on communicating effectively to advice on simplifying legal jargon, here are five talks for paralegals who want to improve their job skills.

Related resource: The 19 Cheapest ABA Approved Online Paralegal Programs

1. “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy

It’s common for paraprofessionals to face problems in the workplace relating to authority, influence, workload and being taken seriously by people in higher positions of power. One solution might be changing your body language. In “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are,” Amy Cuddy discusses the way that subtle, non-verbal cues can dominate both personal and professional conversations. Paralegals might want to take note of the advice that she doles out for improving posture, conquering nervous tics and projecting confidence.

2. “The Secret Structure of Great Talks” by Nancy Duarte

Presentation expert Nancy Duarte tackles the subject of communication in “The Secret Structure of Great Talks.” As any lawyer will tell you, half of the job is telling a good story, and being able to identify the common threads in excellent speeches and presentations can be a great asset for legal work. Whether you’re looking at leases, licenses, subpoenas or affidavits, it pays to understand the structure of a good narrative.

3. “Let’s Simplify Legal Jargon” by Alan Seigal

In “Let’s Simplify Legal Jargon,” Alan Seigal makes a compelling case for why the legal sphere should adopt more straightforward terminology. While paralegals might not be able to put this into practice while answering to others in a law firm, they can redefine their thinking and change the way that they approach their paperwork. Instead of trying to speak or write in “gobbledygook” to impress their bosses, they can learn how to structure their briefs, memos and case files in clear, concise language that gets their point across without superfluity.

4. “Hear ‘Yes!’ More Often With the Science of Influence” by Dan Norris

Dan Norris doesn’t pull any punches with “Hear ‘Yes!’ More Often With the Science of Influence.” While all of his facts come from solid, evidence-based research, he’s very honest about the aim of his TED Talk, which is to help people become better influencers. Whether it’s dissecting the art of negotiation or examining the link between authority and reciprocity, he’ll teach paralegals a few tricks for getting their documents approved or their breaks extended.

5. “3 Ways the Brain Creates Meaning” by Tom Wuject

Tom Wuject is an information designer, and his “3 Ways the Brain Creates Meaning” is a fascinating look at both the science and the emotion of memory. At first glance, it might not seem like a topic for legal professionals, but it can have an immense impact on the way that paralegals handle things like case preparation. If you can understand how your brain processes information and assigns primacy to certain facts and figures, you can change the way that you deal with your everyday mountains of paperwork.

These are just a few videos that can help paralegals with their careers. Whether you’re a fresh college student or an experienced paraprofessional looking for tips, these five TED talks for paralegals might be just what you need to open doors.