Online Paralegal Degrees in Colorado

Online Paralegal Degrees in ColoradoStudents wanting to pursue careers in the legal field may want to know about Online Paralegal Degrees in Colorado. The schools offer similar coursework; the main differences are how classes are taught and in tuition. The accredited schools listed below have well-built websites featuring portals that allow you to request further information from the school and even apply. All of the programs stress that in addition to the degree offered, most states regulate paralegals by requiring certification and/ or licensure, and the degree requisites may not satisfy the requirements to sit for the exams.

Arapahoe Community College

Applied Sciences Department

The intended outcome for all programs in the applied sciences department is that students will be prepared to be employed in specific careers or occupations. Some classes may transfer to four year colleges, but that is not the goal of the department. Arapahoe Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission North Central Association. It also participates in concurrent enrollment programs, allowing high school students to earn credit toward their degrees while satisfying diploma requirements.

Paralegal Associate of Applied Science Degree

This program is approved by the American Bar Association. There are sixty required credit hours of which twenty-four are general education classes. Thirty of the required classes are core classes in the major, including subjects like “Introduction to Law,” “Probate and Estates,” “Current Issues in the Law” and “Immigration Law.” The remaining six credits are elective courses that allow a specialization within the degree. There is a practicum class at the end of the program, called “Cooperative Education,” that is a faculty-supervised internship. The tuition for the degree program (per fifteen credit term) is $2850. Colorado offers a stipend through the College Opportunity Fund which defrays this cost. There is also a $40 program fee assessed each term.

Arapahoe Community College
5900 South Santa Fe Drive
Littleton, Colorado 80120—1801


Online degrees make education accessible to non-traditional students and those who work full-time. They enable students get an education to work in private and governmental legal offices. While the tuition is a significant investment, there is financial aid available for students at accredited colleges enrolled in Online Paralegal Degree Programs in Colorado.

For more information on obtaining your online Paralegal Degree, please see The 19 Cheapest ABA Approved Online Paralegal Programs.